Who We Are
The company scope of service covers both onshore and offshore for the purpose of executing projects in-country with a commitment to enhance local content development.
Starbroz has enhanced its competitive position and manage a substantial and consolidated business interest in both the upstream and downstream activities of the energy sector that ranging from drilling, refining activities and transportation of petroleum products.
We are a major supplier of a range of oilfield equipment and materials.
Starbroz has also established a strong relationship with a huge array
of original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) as well as buying houses
Starbroz has also established a strong relationship with a huge array
of original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) as well as buying houses

Maintaining corporate philosophy in providing best solutions
Our Mission
To provide distinctive product and services delivery to an array of satisfied customers and end users, creating an atmosphere were people want to work and clients want to be through quality, dedication and motivation within the strictest moral values.
To be a world-class energy company driven by shared commitment to excellence and client satisfaction..